About Us

DogGroups.com is an online community created by a dog lover, for dog lovers. We are a free service where users can talk with other dog lovers, shop for unique gifts and so much more. Whether searching for information about a Toy Poodle, Boxer or St. Bernard, there is a section specifically for the breed. We are a young community but just like a new pup, getting bigger each day.

One main attraction of DogGroups.com is our shopping portal. The portal collects items for sale from a variety of pet stores and puts together a searchable directory for our users to use. Take advantage of the many features of the shopping engine including price comparison, reviews of products and online retailers from other community members and photos of each product. Save time the next time you are looking for that perfect gift by using the DogGroups.com Shopping Portal!

The community aspect of DogGroups.com is a great feature of the site. Users can talk to others about specific dog breeds, health issues, where to find a reputable breeder and so much more. The photo gallery is where our users get to show off their loved ones by uploading their favorite pictures of their dogs. DogGroups.com also features a Classifieds page where users can search for breeders in their area or for Rescue Groups and Shelters across the country. If you have questions about our site use, please read our Terms of Service.

In addition to DogGroups.com, DogGroups.com, LLC our parent company operates many other great web properties. Please take some time to visit these other Great sites:

Boxer-Dog.org – All About Boxers

Labrador-Retriever-Dogs.org – Labs Unleashed

Creative Gift Ideas

Las Vegas Coupons

Search Engine Optimization and Web site Promotion

In addition to these great sites you can find more dog resources in our favorite links section
. If you have not found what you are looking for, make sure to visit our Site Map