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I have a 9 month old brindle boxer named FatBoy who has been suffering with a itchy rash on his feet, ears, tummy and haunches since he was 3-4 months old. We’ve had him tested for mange, mites, scabies, etc. He has seen a dermatologist (at a cost of $500) only to find out that it might/must be an allergy of some kind….He’s been treated with antibiotics, because he infected his sores. We also bathe him twice a week with a medicated shampoo, spray his rash with a cortisone spray, do ear drops and ear wash, and although the rash is somewhat better, it’s still prevalent and keeps popping up. He’s also on prescription dog food (Hills Science Diet z/d). I have been told that he could be allergic to food, which takes a long time to diagnose, or perhaps air-borne allergens…Does anyone have similar situations, or had them in the past? My vet said that this may be an adolescent thing….I sure hope so. Help!

Let me welcome you to this site and hope you find the members here helpful and friendly as we all do. I have two Yorkies that have had similar problems. I put them on a natural dog food and have had excellent results. My mom also had the same problem but chose to put her dog on turkey and chicken. She has had great results also. I switched from the medicated shampoo to a shampoo with oatmeal (groomers blend) excellent and I highly recommend it. I have also added a link for you to check out if you have not already seen it pertaining to food allergies. Please keep us posted. This can really be frustrating but maybe someone here at this site can help you.


“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”

Author Unknown

My first male Buddy suffered with allergies, to the point he was losing weight, losing his fur, and bringing up bile almost daily. He was like yours put on antibiotics as well as prednisone. It was after working with the food company for a full analysis and the vet, we did a process of elimination and located the culprit, PORK!!

It seemed the food company used pork fat to coat the food, to make it more pallitable??? Although it was not listed in the ingredients, it fell under the other byproducts list

We put him on a lamb and rice kibble and he did well, but due to his extreme reaction we had to find a company that guaranteed a separate line for their lamb and rice. Many companies use the same line, of course cleaning it in between products, but the vet warned us we could not run the risk of any trace.

I then began searching kibbles more indepth, and although Buddy has now passed to the Bridge, my two boxers are fed an all natural holistic kibble, no byproducts, chemicals or preservatives and they are doing well.

You may also want to consider feeding a raw diet, I have heard this diet does wonders for allergy prone dogs. Whatever you decide to do, it is going to take some research and process of elimination to locate the allergy culprit. As well, Buddy was mildly allergic to grass, and some household cleaners, carpet fresheners being one of them. When he did have a hive breakout, I gave him a benadryl tab, under the direction of my vet.

Good luck

Sounds like a contact dermatitis to me. Does FatBoy have any vomiting or sores or rash in his mouth or on his jowls? The places where his rash is seems to be where it “touches” something. From his paws it goes to his ears, etc. A food born allergy would probably show on more places on his body. Good luck.


All creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all.

Hello Ckgiraffe.

Welcome to Dog Groups

I’m so sorry to hear about your dog’s problems.

One question: you have spent a lot of money and still have no answers? My Wire Fox had some problems with allergies and with half the money you “invested”, my vet performed all tests on allergies (outdoors, indoors and food). He’s much better now that I how to treat him.

Over medicating an animal is not a good thing to do, especially if you are using cortisone.

Try to post your problem in General Health and Training Issues Forum to see if Sabine and other members can give you any more help.

Good luck, and don’t forget to keep us posted.



Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)

“Fox-terriers are born with about four times

as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I have been reading everything regarding this rash, so much so that I’m scratching myself….LOL. The dermatologist just put him on Eukanuba kangaroo and oats…This is a cheaper dog food than we’ve been paying, but has no allergens…only $51 for 30lb bag, as 0pposed to $42 for 18 lb bag. And is he ever a hungryjack>>>

We love him so much, and feel so badly that he is suffering so much. He has a rash on his face sometimes, but nothing in his mouth…big sores developed on his chest, which the vet thought was an additional situation, probably brought on by his allergy-prone skin rash. I know we need to be patient, but ….well, I’ll try.

Hello again.

Like I said before, over medicating is a situation to look out for; but I can see you are really worried. Here’s how I helped Zeus before I knew the results:

-Dermocanis champoo for allergies. First bath followed by a second one two days latter and a third a week after the second.

-Amiderm (I don’t know if you have this one on the US, but something similar must exist) it’s not a cure, but helps your dog not to scratch.

The results from these two combined, for a period of height days, lasted for about a month; just hte amount of time I needed to get the awaited results.

Talk to the vet before trying to change anything on the current treatment.



Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)

“Fox-terriers are born with about four times

as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.

First I wanted to say welcome to the group Second Im very sorry about the problems your having with your pet. You have gotten some great advice on the board from the other members I just wanted to add a few web sites containing some information on allergy cases that might be of some help to you. Please keep us posted and I hope things get better.


* For To Be Free Is Not Merely To Cast Off One’s Chains, But To Live In A Way That Respects And Enhances The Freedom Of Others———-Nelson Mandela *

I have just joined this site and was reading your messages about your boxer. This sounds identical to what I have been dealing with with my 2 1/2 year old Shep X Lab, Token. We have been trying to figure out the source of the itching and sores for almost a year. We have done all the allergy testing and nothing came up as significant, there were some that were elevated so we had been focussing an those.

We are currently on Science Diet z/d after trying some of the “Nature’s” branded lamb and rice foods. How is the Kangaroo food working for you?

If your boxer is trained and needs to be working like my dog, my vet suggested treating/rewarding with baby carrots.

The web sites supplied in the other responces where very helpful. Any other info would be greatly appreciated.

I went through allergy problems with Farley, one of my standard poodles, from the day I brought him home until he was about 3 yrs old. He had non-stop ear infections, skin rashes, real gunky eyes, etc. We tried everything – it seemed as tho I was at the vet every wk or 2 & that he was constantly on meds. Luckily he seems to have outgrown them for the most part. He hasn’t had an ear infection in about 2 yrs. About the only occasional problem now is his gunky eyes but a round of antihistamines clears it up in no time and when winter comes & the heat turns on his will have a few days of itchiness & again a few days of antihistamines and that is resolved until next winter.

One seminar I went to where we had a vet speaking said many times the allergies are food related which are difficult to ascertain. He also suggested other things such as: flea treatments, once a month heart worm pills, plastic dishes -v- metal dishes, environmental things such as carpet deodorizers & shampoos, plug-in room fragrances and things like that that many people don’t even think about.

Hope you find the answer to your furkid’s problems.

And before I forget, WELCOME to the group!


Denise a/k/a Poodlemom

Thanks for the info.

We have tried antihistamines and they don’t help. We have all hardwood floors and vaccuum them regularly since I have terrible allergies as well. We checked for Mange, fleas and other skin parasites, he has ceramic bowls that get washed regularly. We removed his cedar bed within a week of getting it. We don’t have room deodorizers or any shampoo/detergent with fragrance because of my allergies. As far as we (vet and I) can tell, up till now, we have tried everything except the food.

He has been on Z/D for about 3 weeks now and the sores are gone, he is just itchy now. However, I caught my boyfriend giving him a beef basted milkbone biscut this weekend so we will have to watch to see if that does anything as I think it is a beef allergy.

I hope he will grow out of it in time. Anymore info would be great! Thanks for the welcome.

One other thing you might try is changing his food & water dish to metal. I have heard that sometimes ceramic can hold bacteria even though they are washed. Don’t know for sure if this is true but it might be worth a try. If I think or hear of anything else I’ll be sure to pass it along.


Denise a/k/a Poodlemom

I know this is an old post, but I have a boxer that had allergies. She was on a nutro brand and the corn in it made her itchy and lose hair. I switched to a human grade food, with no fillers, corn etc and she is all better now!!

I highly recommend a human grade food for any dog with allergies. Its USDA grade meat so you know the meat dource is opure where as in feed grade they can used any source of meat they want(decaying) and add as many fillers to keep their costs down as well(wheat, by product, corn, sorghum, etc)