Has anyone watched this show? I was really impressed by the dogs’ effect on the prisoners and also how quickly the dogs had learned. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about programs in prisons where certain prisoners who agree to a code of ethics and take training classes learn to rehabilitate shelter dogs to become helper dogs for the disabled, or to become pets etc. What a great idea. I was especially touched when the dog didn’t want to go in the crate and the innmate said “I know you don’t want to go in there, I know just how you feel”.
Hello JT.
I didn’t see that show back here in my country
Sounds like a very useful thing to the society, well worth investing.
Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)
“Fox-terriers are born with about four times
as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.
I love this show. Its nice how the dogs and the prisoners are getting a second chance at life. How sad it would be to be behind bars. What a great way to learn responsibility and get a new outlook on life by taking care of a dog!
…He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world…When all other friends desert, he reamins. – Geroge G. Vest
I know – I love this show too! I was watching it last nite in fact & it was a great episode. It’s amazing to see how the dogs help the inmates & the inmates help the dogs!
Denise a/k/a Poodlemom
I stayed up way past my bedtime to watch this last night!! It was so great!! I loved the Husky that tried to escape!!
Yeah, I was amazed how well the Husky did at the end. I was holding my breath on his last test that he wouldn’t bolt! Then I let out a huge sigh of relief when he passed!
Denise a/k/a Poodlemom
YES, I love this show. It just amazes me what a pet can do to a human. You see this grown men waiting anxiously for their dog like a small child waiting for a popsicle or whatnot.
Maximus’ mommy!!
I like this show, GOOD for the dogs and lets the prisoners do something they can be proud of and they are doing something good for the dogs. The dogs and inmates teach each other, good show !! Cruz & Tina
I am galvanized. I want to be involved in this program somehow. My animal friends have motivated me to learn SO MUCH! Prisoners have time to spend with these guys and the dogs need them. Who could lose??
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 8:23 am Post subject:
That was such a heart warming show. It was one of the main discussions at work.
“Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot about puppies.”
Gene Hill
I’ve seen the show once and thought it was wonderful. Alas I don’t have cable 🙁 I think that this is a wonderful idea…for once the goverment is allowing a useful program. Dogs are so much more than dogs and this show demonstrates the human and dog bond at it’s finest.
This is agreat thing. All prisoners should have jobs to earn the money being spent to incarcerate them. This is a great way for them to help out the community and get dogs trained that would otherwise be put to sleep in most cases. All prisoners shoudl be forced to work in a way that benefits the society that is paying for them to be in jail. My .02
I love this new show also.My favorite one to date is the one with all the puppies.That was a great show. I was so afraid the little 5 day old pups were not going to make it,but that guy didn’t give up.They all made it and was healthy & happy.It’s nice to see something like that,with so much negative things going on in the world today.They should have that program in all prisons if ya ask me.
I agree with you, Southernblue.
Maximus’ mommy!!
SouthernBlue wrote:
I love this new show also.My favorite one to date is the one with all the puppies.That was a great show. I was so afraid the little 5 day old pups were not going to make it,but that guy didn’t give up.They all made it and was healthy & happy.It’s nice to see something like that,with so much negative things going on in the world today.They should have that program in all prisons if ya ask me.
I loved this episode too!!! I just thought these puppies and dogs turned these criminals into mush!!! I loved that they stayed up all night to watch and care for the puppies!
I was so happy that the littlest puppies made it through!!