Uploading your Pictures
Your can upload pictures to several places in Dog Groups
When you upload pictures there’s always the option to choose the final location.
-Dog Pictures
-Personal Gallery
The rules are very simple:
-Max length (bytes): 1300
-Maximum file size (bytes): 300000
-Maximum image width (pixel): 1300
-Maximum image height (pixel): 1300
-Pictures Format/Type (JPG, PNG, GIF-no thumbnail/preview available)
Uploading Options
-Upload a pic from your machine
-Upload to Category (“personal gallery” and “Dog Pictures”)
-Upload from URL (messages only)
Uploading pictures to “personal gallery”
-Click on your “album” button found at the bottom of any of your posts or click on your member name button (in any place you find it in Dog Groups) and then click on “personal gallery” button.
-Click “upload” button found at the left top and bottom corners of the gallery page
-Follow the intructions available
Uploading pictures to “Dog Pictures”
-Click “upload” button found at left top and bottom corners of the gallery page
-Follow the intructions available
Uploading Pictures to Messages
-Right mouse click over the picture/file and select “properties”
-Copy the the “Adress”
-or just “copy shortcut”
-Click twice in the “Img” button on top of the message window (it should look like this: [img][/img])
-Paste the “Adress” (URL location) or shortcut between those two commands (it should look like this: [img]URL link/shortcut[/img])
-“Submit” your message
-When uploading pics to a message you can’t upload from your computer/disk
-If the picture size is too big, you will need to resize it to the required size (any photo editing software will do the job).
-If the picture format is not correct you will need to change it to accepted ones (JPG or GIF or PNG will just do the trick)
-If you have any problems uploading just post or send a pm to the Moderators or Webmasters.
-If you want to move some pictures to a certain location, you have to upload them again and delete or not the ones already in.
-The delete function is not available to photos in Dog Pictures; even to the ones you posted.
-If you need to move a picture without making a repeted upload, you can always ask one of the Moderators to do it for you.
-Read this link to learn more about uploading pictures.
Did I forget something?
Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)
“Fox-terriers are born with about four times
as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.
Where do I keep my head sometimes?
Thanks for all your help.
Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)
“Fox-terriers are born with about four times
as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.
thanks for clearing that up
I don’t know what the heck happened, but I can’t see pics here anymore. I just get the evil white box with the red x in the top left corner!
I can see avatars, but not pics in the albums or pic boards
Anyone have a clue I can borrow?
I like to have my dog with me all the time because I only like to wear fur if it’s still alive.
Hello StarrsMom
Please read this post from Andy, our webmaster.
Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)
“Fox-terriers are born with about four times
as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.
I’ve been looking around and can’t find the answer to this one…..
I uploaded a couple of pictures into my Personal Gallery. If I want them to appear in the specific breed categories, do I need to upload them again, and choose the breed category?
I’ve got several of Jake to go into Boxers and several of Buddy to go into Labrador Retrievers. I just didn’t know if I should upload them into my personal gallery as well.
ren and his boys
Jake, Boxer, 1 1/2
Buddy, Yellow Lab, 2 1/2
Hello stnyren.
I’m glad those pictures are coming to Dog Groups .
When you upload pictures there’s always the option to choose the final location.
If you want to move some pictures to a certain location, you have to upload them again and delete or not the ones already in.
The delete function is not available to pics in Dog Pictures; even to the ones you posted.
If you need to move a picture without making a repeted upload, you can always ask one of the Moderators to do it for you.
Rui (Me) and Zeus (My Wire Fox Terrier)
“Fox-terriers are born with about four times
as much original sin in them as other dogs.” J. K. J.
Hi all,
I was just wondering if I’m allowed to use this for my avatar: http://www.uskooikerhondje.com/lg6.jpg
I know its a bit big & I followed your instructions, but then something pops up saying this: You must enter your path and your filename. I don’t get that?
And from another site I heard I had to use photobucket for something like the dog website above or it would be stealing?
Okay, thanks for reading this. Hope you all have a nice day…
These are a few of the rare dogs that I love!!
If it is not your dog, l wouldnt recommend using that photo unless you have direct permission to.
Secondly, the avatar is where you have the K image right now. That photo will not fit in the avatar spot at its current size. Avatars are max 160 x 160.
In Memory Of Richard Williams, passed 24th October, 2004
Oh, okay thank you. No, its not my dog.
These are a few of the rare dogs that I love!!
I’m having a real problem loading my pic’s…they just don’t seem to work!
“My treasures do not chink or glitter…. They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night.”~ Bedouin Proverb ~
mistic, to upload pics to your album click on “album” which you’ll find on the bottom of one of your posts. On the next screen in the top left corner click on “upload pic” and it’ll let you browse and select a pic from your PC.
If you are trying to add an attachment to a post, at the bottom of the post you are keying there is a spot for you to also browse & select a pic from your PC and then you click on “add attachment”. I actually did this for the 1st time today!
In either case if it is too large you will need to resize it in a photo program.
Let us know if you have any other problems.
Denise a/k/a Poodlemom